A Cocktail Party, Nurse Entrepreneur, & Savvy Networking: EPS 001

by | Aug 5, 2015 | 2 comments

Welcome to the ‘Your Next Shift’ podcast! I am thrilled to bring you episode 001 (like how I put those two zero’s in front of the one… gotta be ambitious). The reason I can be so future-oriented and optimistic that this podcast is going to rock and roll is because for my very first episode I bring you the amazing, the awesome, the very fun and upbeat- the ONE AND ONLY… Keith Carlson!

Nurse Keith and I have been online buddies for years now (WOW). And not only does Keith co-host the extremely popular podcast over on RNFMRadio, he has started his very own show (the Nurse Keith show can be found here), and it totally rocks!

OK- enough bragging, celebrating, and shedding light on these amazing podcast rockstars- what’s this show all about?

In my conversation with Keith I learned somethings I had never known about him. Like how he loves organic wine and chocolate, how his Aunt Silvia was a nurse researcher, and how Keith’s mother was actually a successful entrepreneur during his entire childhood. (Who doesn’t learn something new every day?)

The key take-aways from our conversation include:

  • How authenticity and connectivity are interrelated (and how to build these up in your own nursing career);
  • What Keith learned from an old WWII general that shaped his nursing practice;
  • The very best way to stay savvy and social while getting your work done!

Be sure to tune in for an energizing episode that’s sure to teach you a lot about networking, while showing up as your authentic self. Thanks for listening!

A Cocktail Party, Nurse Entrepreneur, & Savvy Networking: EPS 001 #YourNextShiftKeith Carlson, RN, BSN, NC-BC is a well-known nurse blogger, writer, podcaster, speaker, and coach. As a holistic career coach for nurses, Keith offers support in creating improved personal and professional satisfaction through thoughtful career management, the exploration of entrepreneurship, authentic networking, and the savvy use of social media. You can find out more about Nurse Keith at NurseKeith.com.


You rock!

I want to thank each and every one of you for listening to the podcast.

It would be amazing if you would leave a review and rating on iTunes. They are incredibly helpful and I value your feedback so much.

I also encourage you to reach out to us via my contact page if you have any questions or comments.

Also, don’t forget that you can take us wherever you go by using the mobile apps listed here. If you liked this episode, or if you have any tips or suggestions, then please share and comment below.

Thank you, Elizabeth Scala, host of the ‘Your Next Shift’ podcast!


  1. bethboynton80539889

    I’m putting this on my list of podcasts to listen to and can’t wait to find out what Keith learned from the WWII General! Thanks for inspiring me Elizabeth and Keith!

    • Elizabeth

      Great to hear, Beth! I look forward to your feedback.


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