When Opportunity Knocks… RUN To Answer it! Episode 144

by | May 2, 2018 | 1 comment

When Opportunity Knocks… RUN To Answer it!

Sometimes, the story tells it all. This next interview, through sharing the nursing career journey, will provide inspiration, supportive insights, and even some comic relief.

A few take aways from our interview with Julie Tupler, RN include:
  • How things show up when the intention is there;
  • What becoming a real estate agent can do for a nursing career;
  • And why answering a job advertisement for something you may not be qualified in can make all of the difference!

Julie Tupler joins the #yournextshift #podcastJulie Tupler, RN has been teaching and developing the research and evidenced based Tupler Technique® Program for treatment of diastasis recti. This program also prepares for labor and abdominal surgery. Julie is now training the Tupler Technique® Program to medical and fitness professionals all over the world.

You can find out more and connect with Julie via her website, Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

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Thank you, Elizabeth Scala, host of the ‘Your Next Shift’ podcast!

1 Comment

  1. Rhona M Moore

    Very interesting. Life will take you places and have you involved in projects/careers that may not seem connected. Further down the road, you’re able to take the various projects/careers and blend then using the information, principles and mind set and use it to create something entirely different and purposeful. Congrats on being open to the possibilities … Thank you.


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