Grow with the Profession of Nursing: EPS 178

by | Jan 9, 2019 | 0 comments

Grow with the Profession of Nursing

Nurses, the very best way- maybe even the ONLY way- to succeed in nursing is by doing what you love. This next guest reminds us that prioritizing our goals and making sure those things we are reaching for… are the things that we excel at and love to do.

A few take aways from our interview with Christen Quezada BSN, RN include:
  • How bumps and bruises along a nursing journey can lead to learning;
  • What 10 minutes of downtime can do for your productivity;
  • And why NOT doing what everyone else does makes you the very best nurse!

Christen Quezada joins the #yournextshift #podcastChristen Quezada BSN, RN is a Registered Nurse of 5 years with expansive experience, primarily in medsurg, telemetry, critical care and more recently infusion nursing. She is also a veteran mom of an 8-year-old stand-up comic.

Christen is a naturally driven entrepreneur & avid lover of family, friends, patients and pretty much anyone she comes across. You can find out more and connect with Christen via her website or Instagram.

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Thank you, Elizabeth Scala, host of the ‘Your Next Shift’ podcast!


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