Find Your Nursing Tribe to Enjoy Your Nursing Career: EPS 181

by | Jan 30, 2019 | 1 comment

Find Your Nursing Tribe to Enjoy Your Nursing Career 

Nurses, it is time to find your people! That’s right there is a nursing community or specialty that is out there and perfect for you. This next guest reminds us not to settle for anything less than what we are meant for.  

A few take aways from our interview with Allison Shuttleworth MSN, RN, CEN include:
  • How finding your people can recharge your nursing career;
  • What shifting a billion times can do for your job enjoyment;
  • And why staying home, working as a homemaker may just nudge you towards nursing!

Allison Shuttleworth joins the #yournextshift #podcastAllison Shuttleworth MSN, RN, CEN is a board-certified Emergency Nurse with over 20 years of experience. Allison enjoys bringing an experienced but fresh and sassy perspective to issues that impact nurses on the front lines of healthcare today.  Allison is a fierce nurse advocate and is here to support you.

You can find out more and connect with Allison via her websiteFacebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter.


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Also, don’t forget that you can take us wherever you go by using the mobile app on Stitcher Radio. If you liked this episode, or if you have any tips or suggestions, then please share and comment below.

Thank you, Elizabeth Scala, host of the ‘Your Next Shift’ podcast!

1 Comment

  1. Kim Compton RN BC-NC

    Thank you Elizabeth!
    I need to find my people! I miss being a part of a nursing group of friends. I’m nursing 23 years with many shifts. I have passed my Certification as a Nurse Coach and studied Herbalism on a college level. I’m hitting brick walls with my business but never giving up. I’m also looking to return to being an employee in Rape Crisis Intervention.
    After hearing the podcast I think that I will look for a Holistic conference to attend.


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