Move that Body! Self Care Activities for Groups

by | Aug 20, 2018 | 0 comments

Self Care Activities for Groups

This topic is going to be a fun one. Why is that? Well, there are just SO MANY options available when it comes to self care activities for groups.

And even if you are a bit like me, a person who likes to stay to themselves, I bet that we can find something for you here!

First things first, how will we figure out what self care activities we would enjoy with a group?

Messages from the Past

I have actually written about this concept a lot in my previous work. It’s called getting insights from your littler self.

Maybe, at this point in your life, your thinking “Gosh, there are no self care activities for groups that I would even consider…” Let’s go through this exercise together, to give you some ideas.

Think about when you were a small child- I am talking like age 4-8. What did you love to do? What was it that your parent or guardian had to drag you away from so that you would come to the dinner table?

Now, think about when you were about 8-12. Maybe a bit older. Somewhat more mature. Starting to realize that you have a bit of independence and you’re venturing out some on your own. What types of group activities did you spend time in? What games did you play or how did you interact with children in school? Did you have any hobbies or organized activities that you were a part of?

Going even older… think about middle and high school. Were you involved in any after school activities? Part of any clubs or groups? How did you spend your time outside of the classroom? Or, even so, inside of the classroom how did you get group work done?

Sometimes, we get so wrapped up in our career, adult world that we forget about the enjoyable activities we engaged in during childhood. And, by reflecting upon these memories, you can gain some great insight into the types of things you may enjoy.

Why Groups?

Now that you have the activities list from childhood and teenager years, let’s talk about self care activities in groups in the here and now.

Before I list out some ideas for you, I do want you to reflect on one more thing.

If you had more time, what would you be doing? If you didn’t have to worry about money, what self care options jazz you up? If you had no work, commitments, or other people to take care of and your time was your own- what types of self care activities in groups may you consider?

So, you might be wondering why we’re all about groups today. On one hand, there is something to be said for doing things on your own. On the other, boy… groups… they just bring a whole new dimension to the discussion.

Groups can:

  • Keep you on track, when you want to give up
  • Encourage you when you are afraid or timid
  • Cheer you on and celebrate your successes
  • Give you that competitive edge to push yourself
  • Make you smile (those mirror neurons work wonders)
  • Make you laugh- hey, who will be there to help you chuckle when you fall down?

The list goes on and on. There is a reason that success can happen within a team. Rather than always going it alone, step outside of your comfort zone and consider self care activities in groups now and then.

Some Ideas…

And, if you need some thoughts on getting started… there are TONS of ways to enjoy self care activities in groups.

I would suggest that you consider:

  • Joining a gym or club where other adults are excited about living healthy
  • Finding a tennis club or some other specific activity that you can be a part of
  • Going on an adventure, like a guided hike
  • Signing up for ballroom dancing with your spouse- hey, that’s a win-win!
  • Going to a yoga retreat- often they do many self care activities in groups on those
  • Calling up your girl friends for a spa day- so much more fun with that feminine energy
  • Taking part in a religious picnic or other outdoor activity

Again, these are the self care ideas that pop to mind for me. As we have been discussing for the past two weeks, my mind is very different than yours.

I would imagine if you took some time and sat down and thought about it- you could come up with a very nice list of self care activities for groups!

When will you take action and get involved in one?

Make Your Shift

Since so many nurses approach me online asking questions about how to stay healthy as a busy nurse, I figured… why not help out with some suggestions for a self care plan!

I am super excited to bring you another five-part mini podcast Make the Shift series! This time we’re talking all things about healthy habits and self-care goals.

In this fourth of five podcasts, we will cover:

  • The difference between movement and exercise;
  • How to incorporate movement into your daily life;
  • Ways to introduce new movement practices into a busy schedule;
  • Ideas for getting up and active if you don’t enjoy the gym;
  • And how to integrate movement practices into your nursing work day!

Enter Tierra Owen: A Healthy Holistic Nurse

I’d like to introduce you to one of the best advocates for self care that I know, Tierra Owen. In fact, this isn’t the first time you have met Tierra as she was a guest on episode 130 of the Your Next Shift podcast.

Tierra Owen, RN, BS has been a registered nurse for more than 12 years, specializing in labor & delivery and postpartum. She recently launched Nursing Ourselves, an online platform and hub to increase nurse self-care. Visit Tierra and check out her course, Nursing Ourselves, by clicking here.

I had the pleasure of chatting with Tierra about self care activities for groups and what support you will receive within Tierra’s online course. Check out the video interview below:

Get Started with Movement and Self Care Activities for Groups Today!

What’s awesome about Tierra is her love of helping other people, specifically nurses. Tierra not only coaches nurses in a self care plan- she supports us all by teaching us how to nurse ourselves to whole person health.

If you’ve been thinking about embarking on your own self care journey– here’s your chance to make it happen! Take the first step and explore Nursing Ourselves. Tell her I sent you and enjoy health and happiness in your nursing career.

p1050390About the Author: Keynote speaker and virtual conference host, Elizabeth Scala MSN/MBA, RN, partners with hospitals, nursing schools, and nurse associations to transform the field of nursing from the inside out. As the host of the Nurse’s Week program, The Art of Nursing, Elizabeth supports nursing organizations in celebrating and recognizing their staff in a meaningful way. Elizabeth received her dual master’s degree from Johns Hopkins University. She is also a certified coach and Reiki Master Teacher. Elizabeth lives in Maryland with her supportive husband and playful pit bull.


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