Finding Your Voice in Your Nursing Career: EPS 118
Finding Your Voice in Your Nursing Career Nurses, could you ever imagine that you could find career success even in those mundane tasks of nursing? This next guest will light your fire, inspiring you to take action even when it may not be the most enjoyable activity...
Be Yourself for the Best Nursing Career: EPS 117
Be Yourself for the Best Nursing Career Nurses, get ready for a real nurse. That’s right- this next guest is all about authenticity and being yourself. Have fun, take action, and jump from time-to-time. That’s how this next nurse thrives in his nursing career. A few...
Have Passion & Take Action! EPS 116
Have Passion & Take Action! Wow. Nurses, be ready to be blown away. My favorite part of this Your Next Shift interview, when Amy boldly states: “Nurses ARE leaders”. This episode is full of heart, head, and action. So sit back and enjoy the podcast. A few take...
School Nursing for the Adrenaline Junkie: EPS 115
School Nursing for the Adrenaline Junkie If you ever thought about school nursing and said to yourself, “Not for me because I would miss the adrenaline of nursing…” it’s time to rethink that perception. This next episode will remind us all that in every single type of...
Nurses, It’s Time to Go Global! EPS 114
Nurses, It’s Time to Go Global! It is time to get global, nurses. That’s right. If you are feeling stuck in your nursing career this next episode of the Your Next Shift podcast may just inspire you to take action. And take action across the globe! A few take aways...
Collegiality in the Nursing Profession EPS 113
Collegiality in the Nursing Profession Nurses, why do you nurse? We need to keep in mind that nursing is about the patient. And then, when you get home, life can be about you! This next guest offers a wonderful perspective on the blend of art and science and nursing....
Nurses, Take a Nursing Career Risk! EPS 112
Nurses, Take a Nursing Career Risk! Nurses, are you holding back? Keeping yourself stuck in the same nursing career because you fear making a change? This show will inspire you to keep moving forward. In fact, maybe even move where you never thought you could go...
How Does Being a Disruptive Nurse Support the Profession of Nursing? EPS 111
How Does Being a Disruptive Nurse Support the Profession of Nursing? Nurses, it is time to shake things up! That’s right. If you have been feeling stuck, stagnant, or just plain blocked by your nursing career- fear no more. This next guest will have you asking...
Nurse Case Management: An Option for Nursing Practice EPS 110
Nurse Case Management: An Option for Nursing Practice Are you a nurse who is looking to do more in patient advocacy? Maybe it is time for you to leave the bedside and venture into a more community focused nursing career. This next guest has a very interesting...
Show Up, Listen Deep, and Impact One Person at a Time: EPS 109
Show Up, Listen Deep, and Impact One Person at a Time Lots of excellent nuggets of information in this next nursing career podcast. From deep listening to making a difference… you don’t want to miss this episode. A few take aways from our interview with Nicole...
Positive and Productive in Your Nursing Career: EPS 108
Positive and Productive in Your Nursing Career Find support in your nursing career. Continue to build that professional network. And have fun while you learn and grow! A few take aways from our interview with Santisha L. Walker, RN, CWC, BS include: How empathy and...
Open Doors to Your Ideal Nursing Career: EPS 107
Find a nursing job that you enjoy. That’s right this next guest reminds us that there is no reason to stay stuck in the nursing profession. A few take aways from our interview with Lolita Korneagay, RN, BSN, MBA, ALNC include: How changing nursing roles...
Passion, Purpose, and Patient Focused Work: Necessary Items to a Successful Nursing Career EPS 106
Passion, Purpose, and Patient Focused Work: Necessary Items to a Successful Nursing Career Listen to patients. Show up with presence. Find passion and joy in your nursing career. This next guest is sure to inspire you to fully be present with your patient or client,...
Accompany Others By Being Real as a Nurse: EPS 105
Accompany Others By Being Real as a Nurse Advocate for patients. Listen to their needs. Be real with them as they transition through life. This next guest is passionate about all things palliative care. A few take aways from our interview with Suzanne Mitchell RN,...
Put Yourself First for the Best Patient Outcomes: EPS 104
Put Yourself First for the Best Patient Outcomes If you love being a nurse, then you are going to have to start putting yourself first. This next guest inspires us both in word and action to take care of self so that we can best take care of others! A few take aways...
Keep Going… Change Things Up to Succeed in Your Nursing Career: EPS 103
Keep Going… Change Things Up to Succeed in Your Nursing Career Keep on going. Whether it is a change in your nursing career or perseverance to make things happen, this next guest will certainly inspire you to take action! A few take aways from our interview with...
How the Power of Thought Impacts Your Nursing Career: EPS 102
How the Power of Thought Impacts Your Nursing Career What do you think about when you think about your nursing career? This next guest introduces us to just how significant the power of thought can be as we shift through the profession of nursing. A few take aways...
Shift into the Nursing Career of Your Dreams, Independently! EPS 101
Shift into the Nursing Career of Your Dreams, Independently! If you find yourself stuck in your nursing career, is it time for you to change things up? What about creating a job that suites your unique expertise, experience, and passion? That’s just what this next...
Your Next Shift Nursing Career Podcast: EPS 100
Your Next Shift Nursing Career Podcast EPS 100 Well, my nursing brothers and sisters. We made it! Arrived at the 100th episode of the Your Next Shift nursing career podcast. And what a trip it has been! What we have done for the 100th episode celebration was taking a...
Surround Your Nursing Career with Opportunity and Development: EPS 099
Surround Your Nursing Career with Opportunity and Development Alright, Your Next Shift. Today we talk community, career goals, and lifelong learning. This next guest does so much with his nursing career and will likely inspire you to do the same! A few take aways from...
Inner Wisdom Impacts a Nursing Career: EPS 098
Inner Wisdom Impacts a Nursing Career Inner wisdom is crucial to your nursing career success. This next guest has learned through various experiences that time for reflection is important at every stage of life. A few take aways from our interview with Dolores...
Service, The Heart of Nursing Practice: EPS 097
Service, the Heart of Nursing Practice Hard work and mentors do your nursing career right. This next guest can talk about, not only healthcare in general, but the male perspective of the nursing profession. With service, dedication, and loads of compassionate care...
The Nursing Career You Dream Of: EPS 096
The Nursing Career You Dream Of Another fresh perspective and new nursing career idea on this show! This next guest is a Your Next Shift nursing career podcast first. From grass roots programs to self-care mantras, this nurse has been through and done it all. Get...
Nursing Myths: EPS 095
Nursing Myths The good, bad, and the ugly... Nursing is a profession that has been around for a long time. That often means that there are certain things that are out there in the public (and in the profession of nursing too, really) eye that are untrue about nursing....
Nurse Intuition Impacts Your Nursing Career: EPS 094
Nurse Intuition Impacts Your Nursing Career Another fresh perspective and new nursing career idea on today's show! This next guest is a Your Next Shift nursing career podcast first. We have human trafficking, sexual assault nurse examiner, and a multi-lingual guest on...
Nursing Student Totally Ready for a Nursing Career… And Can Help You Get There Too! EPS 93
Nursing Student Totally Ready for a Nursing Career! Nursing Student Totally Ready for a Nursing Career… And Can Help You Get There Too! Are you ready to learn about the profession of nursing? How about hearing from a nursing student’s perspective. This next episode...
Nursing Farmdamentals: A Blend of Nursing and Gardening: EPS 092
Nursing Farmdamentals: A Blend of Nursing and Gardening Blending professional nursing with backyard gardening- that’s what’s in store for this next Your Next Shift nursing career podcast episode. A few take aways from our interview with Cliff include: How nurses are...
Patient and Nurse Become One… A Passion for Your Nursing Career: EPS 091
Patient and Nurse Become One… A Passion for Your Nursing Career Get specialized. Get passionate. Get intimate with your nursing career. That’s what you’ll learn about in this next super special podcast interview. A few take aways from our interview with Jane include:...
The Best Nursing Career Comes from Following Our Heart & Reaching Our Goals: EPS 090
Instead of forcing yourself into a job that isn’t right for you… do what this next guest did and follow your dreams, strengths, and values to the ideal nursing career. A few take aways from our interview with Tracey include: How celebrating the fact that you are a...
Give More to Nursing Than You Get from Being a Nurse! EPS089
Give to your nursing career. Give more than you got and you will enjoy being a nurse professional. That is the mantra that this next inspiring next teaches us on the Your Next Shift podcast. A few take aways from our interview with Sean include: How giving more than...
Do Your Nursing Career Your Way! EPS 088
You CAN be the kind of nurse that you want to be. And you CAN create the kind of nursing career that will most suite your needs, expertise, and professional experiences. A few take aways from our interview with Amelia include: How seeking to bring out the best in...
Education and Growth Make for a Meaningful Nursing Career: EPS 087
Be a change agent. Focus on growth. Do good in your nursing career. That’s what you’re in for today! A few take aways from our interview with Jessica include: How getting involved in nursing councils was a career success; Why continuing your education in multiple ways...
Perspective Can Shift Your Nursing Practice: EPS 086
OK, listeners. It’s a Your Next Shift first. A non-nurse comes to the show. Now wait- it’s all good. This next guest has dedicated his career to helping us nurses! That’s right a person who has our back and has our interests at heart. Kinda cool, right!?! A few take...
The Kind of Nursing You Want to Do: EPS 085
Why do you nurse? Really. Have you thought about it lately? How come you are in nursing and why do you do the job of a nurse? This next interview will have you reflecting on your “why” in your nursing career. A few take aways from our interview with Ashley include:...
An Ever-Evolving Nursing Career! EPS 084
Good news- your nursing career does NOT have to stay the same. In fact, as your interests and experiences evolve over time… so can your nursing profession! A few take aways from our interview with Millie include: How taking one step at a time can move you past fear;...
Informal Networking Advances the Art of Nursing: EPS 083
Informal Networking Advances the Art of Nursing. It’s all about connections. That’s right- formal and informal networking make a difference. This next guest, who found nursing later in life, is a true example of the art and science of nursing. A few take aways from...
Connections Create Community! EPS 082
So many interesting nursing parallels between myself and this next guest. How fun to connect with a nurse from across the country… only to find you have so much in common. Well, I guess that just shows you that connections do create community. A few take aways from...
Know thy Self… to Love Your Career! EPS 081
Here’s an inspiring, motivating, and super supportive episode. This next guest truly showcases her support for nurses, nursing students, and the profession of nursing overall! A few take aways from our interview with Lydia include: How assessing the environment- past,...
Review, Reflect, Rework and Grow! EPS 080
Using your own health as an experiment. That is what this next guest did and continues to do to impact the lives of her patients and clients. A few take aways from our interview with Nadine include: How working three jobs taught her something about confidence; What...
Passion & Purpose… Ingredients for the Perfect Nursing Career! EPS 79
Well- listeners. You’re in for a real treat. Get ready for a powerful episode full of passion. A few take aways from our interview with O’Donis include: How not listening to other people can help you the most; What losing a patient to a heart attack can teach you; And...
Love What You Do: EPS 78
Here’s a fun episode. Today we are talking with a holistic nurse who has dedicated this stage of her nursing career to giving back through both personal and professional experiences! A few take aways from our interview with Amanda include: How you can start being a...
Never Settle: EPS 77
I feel like I keep saying the same thing. And I know I said it last week. But I HAVE to say it again- here is another fantastic nurse with a totally unique background. Our very first guest who was a nurse overseas. She had some amazing opportunities in her career so...
Step Outside Your Comfort Zone: EPS 76
A nurse with an interestingly diverse background. From taking new jobs to publishing books… and now, ultimately living the life of her dreams at the beach- you don’t want to miss this episode! A few take aways from our interview with Deanna include: How being...
It’s Up to You: EPS 75
It's Up to You! Want to start a nursing business. How about a successful one? This next guest has done just that. A few take aways from our interview with Donni include: How every single experience can be applied to your future career; Why it’s really up to you to...
Invest in Learning: EPS 74
This next guest is an inspiration to us all. A prosperous nursing career with many different roles to a successful business that she not only ran, but successfully sold. A few take aways from our interview with Pat include: How a business flop created multiple new...
Success Requires Action: EPS 73
Wow, week after week, I find myself even more motivated than the last. This next guest has it all. Introspection. Vision and dream work. And of course, most importantly, a take action mentality. A few take aways from our interview with Tim include: How healthcare is...
Setting and Achieving Career Goals: EPS 72
Now I am inspired. This next guest is driven by problems. That’s right folks… she sees something wrong and finds a solution to fix it. Get ready to take action! A few take aways from our interview with Tiffany include: How working in various roles can help you learn...
Helping Others Take Action: EPS 071
With so much emphasis these days on the management of chronic conditions and the cost of healthcare- this next guest has decided to take action. Education in action that is! A few take aways from our interview with Taylor include: How the best advice you receive may...
Lessons in Determination with Dr. Sonya Curtis: EPS 070
Oh my goodness. Talk about determination. This nurse does not give up. Even when things are hard, times are tough, or competing priorities arise… this nurse certainly walks her talk. It is no wonder that her motto is #stayingfocused! A few take aways from our...
Nurse Entrepreneurship in Action: EPS 068
A nurse with, what I think is the best combination in the world… a vision AND the action to follow through! In just two short years as a nurse, our upcoming guest has accomplished a LOT. A few take aways from our interview with Taylor include: How not getting hired...
Doing it All with Dr. Candy Campbell: EPS 067
You think a nurse is a jack of all trades… well, this next guest puts that analogy to shame. From flight attendant to comedian. From actor to journalist. This nurse has done and continues to do it all! With us today is Dr. Candy Campbell, DNP, MSN, RN, CNL, FNAP, an...
The Privilege of Nursing: EPS 066
Are you ready to remember what the real reason we’re all nurses is? This next guest, a second career nurse, tells it like it is. And guess what… it’s all about the patient experience!
Inspire Others: EPS 064
This next guest has made it her mission to make sure every nurse understands that being a successful and strong nurse takes the understanding that self-care, laughing, and a healthy mindset and attitude is KEY. She’s known for her smile, sense of humor, and positive...
The Joy of Nursing: EPS 063
What a delight… this next episode will warm your heart, inspire you into action, and remind you of the ‘why’ we go into nursing in the first place. A few take aways from our interview with Juliana include: How taking a risky job can increase confidence in yourself;...
Helping Nurses Grow and Thrive: EPS 062
This week’s podcast takes a more clinical spin… in a really wonderful way. Our next guest LOVES being a nurse and it shows! Nacole wants to help her community and be there in someone's time of need. She loves what nurses stand for and how they provide that...
Stuck in a Nursing Career Rut? EPS 061
A nursing career is often filled with twists and turns. Sometimes it is the most exciting thing in the world... other times, not so much. I know in my own nursing career I have experienced ups, downs, and everything in between. Today's episode talks about...
Bring Yourself To Work: EPS 060
OK- creativity, passion, and nursing mixed all into one. Today’s guest is sure to inspire, touch the heart, and leave you wondering what your next creative outlet might be! A few take aways from our interview with Carmen include: How being ‘behind the lens’ can...
Show Up and Take Action: EPS 059
Looking for some new possibilities in nursing? What about a bit of motivation that you CAN reach those goals? This next guest certainly provides us with that… and the reminder that anything is possible. We just need to show up and take action! A few take aways...
Make The Shift: EPS 058
Are you a nursing student or brand new nurse, preparing your transition into a nursing career? Then we’ve got the guest for you! This nurse author, speaker and neuro critical care nurse is here to help make the shift from novice to experienced nurse a bit...
Be Social: EPS 057
Who out there considers themselves a social butterfly? OK, maybe not the life of the party… but what about professional networker? Or just someone who likes to connect this nurse with that nurse. Or this patient with that resource. You know, someone who’s...
Owning Your Mistakes
What is one of your greatest fears as a nurse? For many, it is one and the same: making a mistake. I am not sure where this comes from, however as nurses we are terrified at the very thought of doing something wrong. I have heard of nurses waking up in cold...
Stick to Your Convictions: EPS 055
Now… if you’re looking to shift your career in any direction… this is the episode for you. Our next guest has done it ALL. And I mean that literally. From military nursing to administration… from academia to research… from business owner to poet… my goodness, we need...
Self-Care: EPS 054
She started out in wellness… shifted to nursing to go deeper… and then, could she go even more deeper? This next guest has had an amazing journey through a variety of careers. A few take aways from our interview with Angela include: How performing skits with cousins...
The Golden Rule: EPS 053
A nurse with a journey! What I loved about this next guest is all of the interesting experiences she has had and continues to have in the healthcare field. A few take aways from our interview with Laurie include: How being a part of professional organizations...
Trust Your Gut: EPS 051
Our next guest doesn’t think of herself as tech savvy- but, my goodness, she has created a highly successful app for nurses, residents, and healthcare professionals. In addition to this creative side, our next interview guest has a passion for the person in front of...
Career Philosophy Matters: EPS 050
Gosh, I found so many wonderful things I had in common with this next guest- and I’m not just talking the fact that we’re both nurses. This next nurse is compassionate, dedicated, innovative and proactively focused her entire career… it was such an awesome experience...
High Tech & High Touch in Nursing: EPS 049
This next guest truly is an entrepreneur in every sense of the word. And what I loved about this interview, is not only is our guest constantly looking forward to her next career chapter… she’s weaved the passion for nursing throughout all of her success. A few take...
Meet Two Visionary Holistic Nurses: EPS 048
OK- so another Your Next Shift first. Two guests in one podcast! That’s right… you get double the content, double the resources, and double the fun. I had a blast interviewing these two holistic nurses and you will surely get a lot out of this episode. A few...
Have More Time for Your Nursing Career: EPS 047
I ask a quick question whenever a nurse signs up for my ezine. It has to do with the one thing getting in the way of enjoying your nursing career. Time and time again, I hear a very similar response: "Elizabeth, I have no time for my patients. I am busy behind a...
Keep It Real RN Shares Rock Star Nursing Career Advice: EPS 046
Our next guest is a super star- and I mean that both literally and figuratively. He has an extremely well known YouTube presence, as well as the fact that he is a role model all nurses can look up to. I had a ton of fun with this interview… and I know that you will...
Nurse Advocate Inspires the Nursing Profession: EPS 045
Our next guest is all about advocacy. For nurses, for the nursing profession, for patients and families. Through a 40+ nursing career, with lots of twists and turns, this interview is sure to touch your heart and inspire you to do more. A few take aways from our...
Nurse Practitioner Turned Comedian and Playwright: EPS 044
Oh my goodness! I can barely contain myself. This next guest was amazing. What I love is how she is using her nursing background to infuse her non-nursing career. A comedian… this is a first for the Your Next Shift podcast. So let me formally introduce to you… A few...
Your Authentic Nurse: EPS 043
Who am I? Ugh, what a question. Yet one that is often in the back of our minds. Many nurses I talk with share with me that they aren't sure what's next for them in their nursing careers. It may be that you've found yourself at a plateau in your nursing career- not...
Nurse Coach Encourages Nurses to Coach! EPS 042
This is a show you don’t want to miss! Not only do we talk nursing career, we learn about weight loss, professional and personal coaching, and so much more. As a knowledgeable, passionate, and generous-hearted nurse coach- this guest gave her all! A few take aways...
Nursing Stories from a Talented Nurse Author: EPS 041
Our next guest has had a very interesting and dynamic nursing career journey. From home health to owning her own business; from public health to writing novels in nursing- you don’t want to miss this next episode. A few take aways from our interview with Lois: How...
A Paradigm Shift in Nursing: EPS 040
Our next guest spoke so eloquently on the paradigm shift we are experiencing in healthcare. Sharing a fresh perspective from the administrative space and beyond, listeners are in for a jam-packed 30 minutes of inspiration, information, and fun. A few take aways from...
Nursing Student Tells All: EPS 038
Our next guest offers a brand new perspective here on the Your Next Shift podcast, our very first nursing student. While we know that the nursing profession is one of life-long learning, I certainly learned a lot from this next guest. From creative organizational...
Lots of Learning (and laughing) in Nursing: EPS 037
Our next guest shared an extremely fun, energizing, and upbeat interview. I really enjoyed the laid back nature of our conversation and found myself laughing a lot. While this is one of the newer nurses we’ve had on the show, we can learn a lot from her wisdom, life...
Providing Much Needed Solutions: EPS 036
Today's guest has a very interesting background, one that started out never thinking she’d even be a nurse. See how this next career professional blended physical science with the art of nursing practice to create the career of her dreams. A few take aways from our...
Do What You Love as a Nurse: EPS 035
Our next guest is a true testament for following one’s heart and doing what works for them. In fact, this has helped this nurse grow so much as a professional that her career tends to be all about what she enjoys. A few take aways from our interview with Andrea: How...
Navigating Social Media in Your Nursing Career: EPS 034
Do you enjoy spending time on social media… But find yourself down the rabbit hole, losing track of time? Or does… The term ‘social networking’ seem overwhelming and unclear in terms of what you should be doing? Have you ever said or thought the following: I just use...
Step Up to All Levels of Nursing: EPS 033
Our next guest is a true inspiration. Having gone through all levels of nursing degrees, she now shares this education, expertise, and experience with audiences nationwide. It was a true honor to get to know and connect with our guest today… and hear about all of the...
Bring Your Whole Self into Your Career: EPS 032
Our next guest is full of enthusiasm, energy and enlightened experiences. Listening to this episode will not only inspire you, it will remind you to check in with your passions as they relate to your career… and your life! A few take aways from our interview with...
Passion + Purpose = Career Joy! EPS 031
Loved the energy, enthusiasm and insights shared on today's episode. If you're feeling stuck, confused or just plain down about your nursing career path... you don't want to miss today's show. Our guest provides encouragement as well as honesty that will help you feel...
Blend the Art with the Science of Nursing: EPS 030
Before we get to the teaching portion of the podcast, I’d like to start with some self-check questions so you can take your own pulse with respect to where you are in your nursing career: Do you think about work and instantly feel some sense of exhaustion, disconnect...
Listen and Learn in Nursing: EPS 029
Our next guest has a beautiful background and truly unique nursing history. While her nursing career path may not have been straight and narrow, we can learn a lot form the circular trajectory our guest reflects on. It certainly highlights how a nursing career can...
Technology in Nursing: EPS 028
Well, today you are really going to learn a lot. And enjoy yourself! Not only is our guest today fun and full of humor, she knows her stuff. This nurse is an expert in healthcare as much as she is in technology and analytics. You don’t want to miss this episode we...
Logic & Persistence in Nursing Pays Off: EPS 026
Well, today I was in for a real treat (as are you all who are tuning in). I was able to take a long, well-established social media and online relationship… well, offline and in person. It was a pure joy to interview today’s guest… and to learn of the many similarities...
Believe in Possibility for Your Nursing Career: EPS 024
Today's guest has it all- mindset, positive energy, and boat loads of information. You won't want to miss this episode in which you will learn the vital key to any successful nursing career. If you have a career goal, this podcast will help you move your dreams into...
Go For It! The New Year = The New You: EPS 023
Ready to start off the New Year right? Let's get your nursing career re-defined, re-focused and full of passion. It was so much fun to interview today's guest, as this was the first time I spoke with Fran Medina in person. And the interesting and positive things she...
Empowered Nurse Lawyer: EPS 022
In today's episode we talk not only with an empowered registered nurse- we visit with a distinguished lawyer. And get this... what type of law does she practice? Why, she helps nurses with practice and license issues! Talk about giving back to the nursing profession....
Marketing and Sales in Nursing: EPS 021
Do you enjoy doing the things you love… But cringe when you think about selling yourself to land your dream job? Or does… The term ‘marketing‘ seem elusive, vague and unclear in terms of how this applies to your nursing career? Have you ever felt or said the...
Nursing Opens Professional Doors: EPS 020
This next guest certainly has seen and done a LOT! Really, this is the second time I have interviewed this nursing pioneer and boy, oh boy does she impress me every time. Sharon Weinstein is a speaker, author and nurse at heart. She has helped thousands around the...
Complement Your Nursing Career: EPS 019
This next guest shows us how we can pair our nursing career with other professional modalities. Bernie Zmitrovich has been a nurse for many years, with experience in an enormous amount of nursing specialties. And even though she isn't currently practicing professional...
Go for Career Goals & Never Look Back: EPS 018
Ready for inspiration? How about hearing about the various ways you can thrive as a nurse! Today’s guest, Dr. Cynthia Jaffe certainly has a diverse nursing background. In our time with Dr. Jaffe, we learned: How spending time listening to stories with her Italian...
Diversity in Your Nursing Career: EPS 017
This next guest surely knows how to get things done. With her motivating tips on organization and prioritization and her knack for energy and enthusiasm, this is an episode you don't want to miss. I had boatloads of fun interviewing this guest and know that you will...
Entrepreneurial Mindsets So You Can Be Your Best Nurse: EPS 016
Have you ever heard that… Little voice in the back of your head that tells you it’s impossible to change? Or what about… Fearing what others may think of you if you decide to do what you want for once? Have you ever felt or said the following? “I’m worried I’ll do the...
Integrative Wellness Nurse Shares Holistic Practices: EPS 015
This nurse was told time and time again, 'Maybe nursing just isn't for you'. Well, that didn't stop her! She continued to focus on her goals and go for her dream. Thank goodness she did as this interview highlights a holistic nurse entrepreneur whose passionate about...
Nurse Dolls as Career Role Models: EPS 014
What a fun-filled interview with loads of information for the audience! I was blown away by all my guest this week has going on. From nurse books to DVD's, from nurse dolls to a school for prospective and new nursing students. Nurse Nicole Brown has got it going on!...
Heart-Based Service Invites Career Joy: EPS 013
Today's nursing podcast reminds us just how important presence is. Being able to make and take the time to stay focused on the patient in front of us is of great value to the professional connect we share with them. In addition, today's guest introduces a key concept...