Woke Up Feeling Blue… Blossomed into Inspired Joy!

by | Mar 10, 2014 | 2 comments

I’ll admit it; I woke up feeling pretty lousy today. The most frustrating thing about this: I wasn’t even sure why. I’ve been doing my meditation, affirmations and gratitudes. I’ve been having fun with my husband, doggies and friends. I’ve been enjoying my hobbies, healthy foods, quality rest and even (with this heat-wave) spending time outside!

Things are all ‘as usual’ for me, so why the general feelings of malaise today?

Not really sure.

Maybe sometimes there isn’t actually an answer ‘why’. Maybe these feelings are the ones that allow us to watch our days blossom into something beautiful. Maybe we can’t feel a greater sense of ‘up’ without feeling down first… Maybe.

Well, the day started out that way and then totally shifted!

And that’s what I am writing about right now.

I just got off of my third Skype interview. Recorded Skype interview. Recorded Skype interview for the Art of Nursing program.

Yes, I realize now that scheduling three of these in one day is a little batty. And maybe I was meant to do three of these today to lift me out of my funk! Cause you can’t be on camera, smiling and feeling good- and faking it.

What an uplifting experience. 

And I’m only talking about on my end. These speakers are something spectacular! I got to finally ‘meet’ Vicki Hess in person. We’ve been trying to connect for lunch as we both live in Maryland and are practically neighbors. She brought her A-Game today- with her professional suit, age-reducing lighting and heart-warming stories from personal life experience that have taught her to share this joy with the world.

I then got to get back on camera with Renee Thompson again- which was totally cool as she and I have done work together before. It was comfortable, relaxed and like talking to a dear friend. She is so passionate about what she does and puts so much enthusiastic effort into her teaching; I was blown away by how much she’s grown over the past two years time!

I wrapped up the day with Sharon Weinstein– another real treat as she and I have talked several times via phone, internet and social media. Finally meeting her wisdom and energy today via camera was really humbling. This human being puts so much loving care into her work; I felt nurtured and uplifted just via the 30 minutes we had together today.

Why am I telling you all of this? 

Well, for one we can see how quickly our moods can shift. Like the tides that rise and fall or the moons that cycle through, when you wake up feeling ‘bad’ you don’t have to let that be your day.

As each of the three speakers and I touched on during our recorded sessions: we have a choice.

And two, I totally want you to join us. Not just because I want you to participate in the Art of Nursing because I am hosting it; I am working on it; I am putting all of this together and it’s a ton of work!

It’s more than that.

These speakers, these nursing pioneers, they believe in what they do. They want you and I and all of us nurses out there to feel good. They are energizing. They can uplift you as they did me today. This is only three of them! Imagine what the entire week will be like.

Oh my, am I feeling inspired!

Won’t you join us? To feel more fully connected to your love of nursing, to enjoy the profession a bit more than you do today, to put the heal back into healthcare- come along for the ride. To sign up today, please visit the Art of Nursing website and register here.


  1. bethboynton80539889

    Sometimes you just have to ride it out, I think! AND I’m glad you did!! I can feel the energy growing and can wait to hear Vicki, Renee, and Sharon. You are taking an idea and making it happen, Elizabeth! I’m so jazzed to be a part of it. (Even though quite frankly, I am exhausted from a tough shift yesterday!) 🙂

    • Elizabeth Scala

      Yes, Beth. You are right. Today’s post describes riding it out, even when the emotions are full of positivity, peace and joy. And yes. The energy is totally building! The recordings are coming along exceptionally well. I am really enjoying this program- and it hasn’t even started yet! Whoo hoo! Enjoy the night, Elizabeth


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