Enthusiastic Nursing: How Reiki Radio Highlights Best Practice

by | Aug 8, 2014 | 4 comments

When was the last time you got really, really excited about something? How fun does it feel when your full of joy and enthusiasm? It’s almost like you can feel the adrenaline rushing around inside; you’re fully alive. Fully of vitality.

As a nurse entrepreneur, I have many of these moments. I get stoked when a nurse tells me that the book I wrote inspired them to change. I am so grateful when a video impacts a nursing career. Yet, it can be difficult as many family and friends I have in my inner circles don’t really understand the things going on within my business.

Well, sharing here on the blog is a great outlet. Nurses are reading and we are enjoying our successes together. So I have a really awesome one to share.

[Tweet “Reiki Radio is starting this September.”]

Why is this so amazing? Well, I am going to have the honor of interviewing, not only the major players in the Reiki world (authors, speakers and Reiki business owners), but nurses actually using Reiki in their nursing careers.

Just last week I was on the phone with a clinical nurse who published a research article pertaining to Reiki and self-care. She had questions about being a guest on my show, which I was happy to answer. We talked for a bit one afternoon, while she was at work on her clinical unit.

To hear the passion, enthusiasm and dedication in her voice as she talked of the things that her organization has been able to do with Reiki was really freaking cool. And then I thought about it- this Reiki Radio show is going to be a blast.

I am going to be able to hear of best practices across the country and share them with nurses and healthcare providers worldwide. Through Reiki Radio, my intention is to bring Reiki Practice into the mainstream in a more visible and credible way. Our hope is that through the show more healthcare professionals will accept Reiki Practice and look to use it in their self-care and with their patients.

With Reiki Radio, my guests and I can teach others how we have had success so that they can bring Reiki and other complementary practices to their nursing environments.

Oh boy, am I excited! I feel like a kid on Christmas day. Be sure to tune in this September to Reiki Radio.

Who has a Reiki story to share? Would you like to be a guest on the show? Share a comment below or feel free to contact me. And don’t forget to join us on Reiki Radio this fall.


  1. Marti

    Congratulations, Liz! I’ve watched you and your businesses grow and expand and am so excited for you. I can say, “I knew you when ….” Good luck and I know this new venture and adventure, like your others, will be a success. Can’t wait to see what is next!

    • Elizabeth Scala

      Thanks, Marti!

  2. Ron

    I look forward to when you start your radio show and get going with some great information. 🙂

    • Elizabeth Scala

      Hi Ron, Thank you so much. I am as excited to start too. Happy you will be listening. Enjoy the day, Elizabeth


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