Top 3 Ways Social Media Builds Nurse Resiliency

by | Jul 14, 2014 | 6 comments

Given that we are in the age of technology, there is a lot of focus these days on social media. As a nurse entrepreneur, I understand this and use social media a lot in my business. Yet social media can get sticky when we intertwine patient privacy, organizational policy and personal use.

Lately there has been coverage on how not to use social media in healthcare (see the Nerdy Nurse’s post), but for this article I would like to focus on how social media can help strengthen our resiliency as nurses. [Tweet “Here are three ways social media can improve our overall well-being”]

  1. Social media strengthens connections. Nurse resiliency doesn’t happen in a vacuum. We need our co-workers, colleagues and classmates for support and guidance. The cool thing about social media is your ‘circle’ can grow. You can make connections that you never would have from across the country, just by using social media outlets. In my own business, I have collaborated with dozens of nurses- most of whom I have never met face-to-face.
  2. Social media offers information. Part of being a resilient nurse is that you are able to keep up with the times, learn from your experiences and gain new information. Social media provides multiple learning channels in a variety of formats. Whether you are an auditory or visual learner, there is a video, eBook or mp3 ready and waiting for you. This can enhance your well-being as you can find tools that you can use in your busy nursing life.
  3. Social media invites creativity. One of the pieces of being a resilient nurse is actually having hobbies outside of work. When you find things that you are good at and love to do, that don’t necessarily have to do with nursing, you are much more likely to love and stay at your nursing role. Social media allows us to tap into our feminine energy with colorful photos, inspiring quotes and good-old-fashioned fun. It’s a wonderful outlet to relieve stress and let loose.

I know it can seem like a long shot- but social media really does impact our nursing resiliency, in more ways than one. I would love to hear what you would add to this list above. How do you see social media as being a tool to creating more health and wellness in your life? 

(Note: This post was written as part of the Nurse Blog Carnival If you are interested in participating find out more details and sign up here. For full carnival access, you can check out the other posts on How Nurses Can Use Social Media here.)


  1. Marti

    Fun and laughter! Some of my friends on Facebook are very funny and have a great sense of humor. Being able to laugh out loud and smile at something they’ve said or posted can make or break my day! Laughing and being able to enjoy a post, comment, joke, or picture outside of work allows me to smile, laugh and enjoy whatever goes on while at work! The patients see it, too, and it frequently rubs off on them. It all comes full circle.

    • Elizabeth Scala

      Awesome addition. I agree that laughter can very often be the best medicine. Love your insights and totally find humor as a benefit from social media. Thank you for sharing,

  2. Joyce

    Elizabeth. I love that you mention Social Media invites creativity. And it is a stress reliever. Something I enjoy doing is posting on Facebook and seeing the responses. It really does work -as a stress reliever. Also connecting you to people all over the world. I am motivated to visit the Philippines because I have lots of Filipino followers on Facebook.

    • Elizabeth Scala

      Thank you for coming by and sharing your comment. I totally agree that it can be a stress reliever. There can be inspirational messages, humorous jokes, and pretty pictures all over social media. And you are so right- I now want to visit many places around the world, knowing that I know a nurse or two there. Great additions, thanks.

  3. Rachel

    It can also help with inclusion to give nurses a voice when they work shifts and different days off etc. Surveys conducted via social media can mean that they get an opportunity to be included.

    • Elizabeth

      So true! Great point, Rachel. Thank you for including this.



  1. The Nursing Show | How Do Nurses Use Social Media? - […] Scala from the Living Sublime Wellness blog jumps in with her post on Resiliency in Nursing: 3 Ways Social…

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