Nursing Career Alternatives: Make a Decision

by | Jan 9, 2015 | 2 comments


The beauty of the nursing profession is that we have many, many options when it comes to our nursing career alternatives. However, have you ever noticed that our greatest asset can potentially be our largest downfall?

I offered an article in a LinkedIn group that discussed twelve tips to stay healthy. One of the group members replied that she enjoyed the suggestion that we listen to our bodies. While I totally agree, I responded that sometimes this is difficult.

The Scenario

You’re tired. You come home from work and because you’re feeling so exhausted, you decide to skip the gym and reach for a cup of coffee. OR…

You’re tired. You come home from work and because you’re feeling so exhausted, you hit the gym. You know that working out with give you a natural boost of energy.

The Dilemma 

The above is very real. In fact it happened to me today.

I had every intention of coming home and going to the gym. However, I didn’t. Why? Today at work I started sneezing. A lot. My nose is running and I have been feeling chilly. My husband is recovering from a fever and chest congestion. So I decided to stay home and rest; I’d rather not push it and risk the chance of getting sick myself.

So how do we know what to do? How do we decide to push through the fatigue or lie low and rest? Because we all know that fatigue can come from lack of exercise AND/OR it can be from the common cold.

Your Nursing Career

OK, OK… let’s bring it back to your nursing career alternatives. There are a lot of options out there for you. And what’s a nurse who wants a change to do? Well, the first thing I suggest is what my own business coach tells us all of the time. Make a decision.

Even if you do not know exactly what you want to do next- do one thing today that will move your nursing career forward. And then what? What else can you do to up-level your nursing career?

[Tweet “Here are three steps to finding a nursing career alternative that’s right for you.”]

  1. Figure out your interests. Make a list of what you enjoy. Think about your talents, skills and previous work history. Where do you excel in your current role? What do you like about your job now? Each person is blessed with unique gifts. Using yours in your nursing career will help you to excel.
  2. Research your options. The internet is a beautiful thing. There are blogs on nursing career alternatives; journals on how to go back to school; articles on becoming a nurse entrepreneur. You can find any and every topic that you would ever need. Some great blogs I would recommend include Dear Donna’s Column on, Kathy Quan’s The Nursing Site Blog, and Joyce Fiodembo’s site International Nurses Support.
  3. Envision your success. There is action that takes us to the next level. And then there is inaction. Not only do you have to do the work to go for your goals; you need to take some time to feel, believe and grow into your new found successes. Many of us skip right into action, ‘doing’ things to get us a new nursing career. I urge you to take the space to allow yourself to envision your new career so that you will thrive in the long run.

OK, so what are we missing here? Leave a comment below of another step- before, during or after the ones listed. I’d love to hear from you. Thanks for reading and enjoy the day.



  1. Jessica

    Hi Elizabeth!
    Thank you for exploring such an important topic in this article! I am completely burnt out in my nursing career. I have been a nurse for almost 10 yrs and have not yet found what makes me feel satisfied and successful. I know I am great with people and have a passion for working with people to prevent illness. I have recently taken a wellness coaching course which I love!
    I am interested in becoming a nurse entrepreneur but not sure how to start. I was wondering if you had any advice on changing my nursing path.
    Thank you!

    • Elizabeth


      Great to hear from you. I can completely understand where you are coming from, having been there myself.

      It is wonderful that you are starting out with stating clearly your strengths and skills. And I would encourage you to get even more clear. What is it about prevention that you love? How are you great with people? Write down your vision in the most clearest of terms.

      Starting a change on your nursing path is a large question. Probably much too long for me to respond here. I have a few resources right off the bat for you. One would be to subscribe to my email list as I blog, write and offer content about this all of the time. Another would be to check out this page: Finally, this spring I will be launching a new book on the topic of using entrepreneurial tools to become the best nurse you want to be. So stay tune and stay in touch!

      Thanks for coming by and enjoy the day,


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