Applying Entrepreneurial Tips to the Clinical Setting

by | Mar 21, 2016 | 9 comments

The field of healthcare has certainly been experiencing great change over the last decade. As care moves out of hospitals, back into the community setting, nurses are finding themselves in new and different roles. Many of these shifts come with great excitement, as a nurse gets to use a brand new skill-set. However, understandably so, there are some stresses that come along with this care delivery change.

Entrepreneurial Tips for the Clinical SettingNurses are often expert at the clinical things- taking care of patients, educating families, and advocating for communities. Yet, what about the business of nursing? That’s right- I said it. The business of nursing. Let’s be honest. As my dear colleague, Kevin Ross often says: “Money is the blood (or is it oxygen, Kevin) of any business. Without it the business fails.”

Now I know we as nurses don’t like to think of our work as a ‘business’, but guess what? If we don’t at least start to entertain this line of thinking, we are going to be left in the dust as healthcare evolves light years ahead of our profession.

Being that I myself am a business owner (others may call this ‘nurse entrepreneur’), I like to think I know a thing or two about business strategy. I also read articles, listen to podcasts, and learn from business coaches- so let me share with you a few tips to applying some business-like concepts in the clinical nursing work space.

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  1. Keep your clinical focus, while you reach out for help. So, often as nurses, we work in a ‘lone ranger’ approach. You know the ‘I’m fine’, ‘I don’t need help’ mindset. Well, those days are OUT my friend! Especially as the pace of healthcare quickens. There are going to be more bells to silence, more alarms to tend to, and more notifications to close out. In this article, clinical nurse educator Marcie Ludwig, BSN, RN, CPEN, talks about how to keep up with skills in the clinical setting. While the article is speaking to patient-care work, the suggestions she offers apply in the business world. Reaching out and asking for support is one of the best ways for a business owner (now, clinical nurse) to thrive. They cannot do everything themselves. In fact, that is a waste of time (and money)! So, nurses- do as those in business do- ask for help and take it from time-to-time.
  2. Prioritize and be OK with letting go. Dr. Jain, Chief Medical Officer of the CareMore Health System, writes about the skills nurses need to be effective executives. One thing I enjoyed best in this article was the notion that prioritization is crucial. There are always going to be multiple people, things, or emails (really?) vying for your attention. There is no way to get to it all at once. A good executive- just as in business- has to be able to juggle this all without dropping the balls! Dr. Jain talks about the trade off and fact that some things will just have to be let go of. Well, we have to be savvy thinkers (with a business mindset) to know which aspects can be delegated and which need to be tended to by us as the nurse.
  3. You Must Stick to Your Values. A business owner can be tempted by the almighty dollar. What’s the next big thing that will cut me a paycheck? Or how can I land this gig at a higher price? Sure, money is needed to stay afloat- yet, it is not to be the only focus of the business owner. We can take this suggestion and apply it in our clinical work as nurses. This article on finding moral courage, written by Jennifer Thew, talks about doing the right thing- even when it’s tough. Just as a business owner has to make difficult decisions to keep his or her business alive, the nurse must do so. And, I would add, must have the courage -as Jennifer suggests- to speak up to others when our values are challenged or care has been compromised. A nurse can think like a business leader- take charge and invest their whole self into the work that they believe in!

What did we miss? I’d love to hear how you can apply nurse entrepreneurial tactics in the clinical setting in the comments below. Thanks for reading!

Elizabeth Scala, MSN/MBA, RN; Founder of Nursing from WithinAbout the Author: As a keynote speaker, bestselling author and virtual conference host, Elizabeth partners with hospitals, organizations, associations, and nursing groups to help transform the field of nursing from the inside out. During the National Nurse’s Week online conference, ‘The Art of Nursing‘, Elizabeth supports nurses in achieving professional goals of continued learning and development. Click here to find out more about how The Art of Nursing appreciates and celebrates our profession in a meaningful way.


  1. maureenpowers

    great article that gets one thinking and expanding on what one knows

    • Elizabeth

      Thanks, Maureen.

  2. April Koenig

    Great tips! And totally applicable in the hospital or other clinical setting. I would add, recognizing your facility’s needs and then recommending a solution. For example, HCAPS scores are very important and I now have the opportunity to work with our customer service RN (HCAPS overseer) to develop a small budget to introduce a pilot/research study at our facility incorporating integrative therapies to our facility to aid in pain management scores among other things on HCAPS. All because I saw a need and spoke up with an idea for improvement.

    • Elizabeth

      There you go, April! Right on. What a perfect example. I am so happy for you, that you are able to use your gifts, talents, and passions in the workplace. So not only does that help the organization and patient- it improves your job satisfaction! Excellent all around!!

  3. bethboynton80539889

    Thought-provoking post, Elizabeth with very relevant tips. I so agree that being able to ask for help is an essential practice as well as offering help when you can and refusing help when you can’t. And always, as you advise, keeping the clinical focus in mind. I do believe that “we” need to be able to afford to do the work and if we can balance this reality while making safe, quality care the priority we’ll be demonstrating the moral courage you’re talking about. April’s example of speaking up and in an organization where leadership listened shows individual and organizational integrity, IMHO! (Would make a great blog post, April btw!).

    • Elizabeth

      Thanks so much, Beth! Appreciate the feedback and glad to see your creative juices are always flowing.

  4. bethboynton80539889

    …’being able to refuse to help when you can’t’, I meant to say!

  5. Maureen Osuna

    What you said about letting go really resonates with me…as a “one-woman-show” it is hard for me to do everything my business needs and knowing when to let go of the non-critical things is a lifesaver. I was able to put this into practice just recently when I finally reached out and hired someone to manage my Google Analytics…as hard as it is for me to let go of control, I know I need help and this small thing has really freed me up to focus on more important things. Great post!

    • Elizabeth

      What a great first step. It will turn out positively, I am sure of that. Because when we let go of the items that do not require our effort and energy, we are freed up to do so much more, using our talents and skills. I am so happy for you!


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