Feel the Nursing Career You Desire

by | Jan 7, 2015 | 4 comments

stethascopeOMG! I almost forgot to blog. And it’s only been one day. I just stated yesterday that I am committed to blogging on a daily basis and I am sitting here getting ready for bed and realized… I didn’t write yet! You gotta remind me, readers. LOL.

So my husband and I just watched a recorded show. It was one of those house hunting shows on one of the home channels. We actually recorded it because last weekend my parents called to tell me that our beach town (Cape May, NJ) was going to be on the show. So we had to tape it.

Watching the show (and Cape May, NJ is the town I have been going to since I was… oh, maybe six), we were laughing and pointing out all of the shots that we recognized from being there. And then, as the couple was picking their summer home, Drew and I were picking ours right there along with them. It is a dream of ours to have our own house at the shore.

What I noticed after the show was how I really felt that this was a reality for me. Yes, I do not have a beach home just yet. AND, I believe that we will get one. Our perfect beach (dream) home is coming our way. In the past I may have doubted this, yet tonight I felt deep inside that this beach home desire would be mine. Would be ours.

In terms of your nursing career, what is it that you desire? Do you seek a career alternative? Is a new nursing job out there for you? I am going to share with you the first three steps that you will need to take to achieve the nursing career of your dreams.

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  1. Well, the first thing you can do to make your dream a reality, is to be extremely clear. I am noticing this more and more these days. The more you can articulate exactly what it is that you want, the easier it will be to bring that dream job to you. Think about it. Write it down. Talk it out. Get crystal clear on what your ideal nursing career will look and feel like.
  2. Next you need to envision how it will really feel when you achieve your goal. So as my husband and I were sitting here, watching this couple choose their beach house, I could actually feel how it would be to have one of my own. Probably partly because I have been going to the beach so much and partly because I have wanted beach house for so long- I can literally feel inside of my being how it will feel to have my house one day. Do the same thing with your nursing career. How will you feel to work in the job of your dreams?
  3. Finally, I want you to keep it simple. Just do one thing. Take one step each day to move yourself closer to your goal. I know there are plenty of things you can do. In fact, you might want to do a ton of things reach your goal. Yet I want to warn you against overdoing it. If you simply focus on one thing. One thing per day, you will easily move yourself closer to your goals.

Now it’s your turn. What step would you add? How do you reach your goals? What do you feel will help you find and secure the nursing career of your dreams?


  1. Marti Hansen

    Despite the fact that I am nearing retirement after 40 years of doing the type of nursing I LOVE, I still have a dream of what I want to continue to do once that day comes. I still want to keep my hands in nursing. My dream for several years now is something I can do from home, have some additional income and still love what I am doing. I have a plan that includes making some major changes but my husband is behind me all the way and we both are looking forward to that day. It involves selling our present home, making a move closer to the grandkids (something that we are more than ready for), doing some networking and hopefully I’m off! It will take two to three years maybe but we’re up for it and ready to go. I’m very excited and look forward to starting the first step. It feels great to have a plan and one that we both feel is doable and feel is going to be a fun and exciting “retirement”!

    • Elizabeth

      Wow, Marti. This is great to hear! I am thrilled and excited for you. I cannot wait to see what the future holds for you, your work and your family. Thanks for checking in here and keep us posted with how we can support you along the way. Enjoy the day, Elizabeth

  2. Barb Macfie

    Be open to change – network and be willing to talk (giving and taking of ideas) with others.

    • Elizabeth

      Wonderful addition, Barb. Thanks for adding to the post! Enjoy the day, Elizabeth


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