Nurses, Fun = Healthy!

by | Oct 29, 2012 | 0 comments

Well, everyone our time with the October theme: Fun for Self is almost over. Just two more posts this week and we will be moving on to our November theme. Today I want to revisit and add to a topic that was discussed earlier this month- really enjoying yourself.

I gave a workshop earlier this month called Create Fun for Self. It was a lot of fun for me- to create it, to prepare it, and to present it. In that workshop I discussed the fact that sometimes one of the biggest challenges to reaching health and wellness goals is the actual process of the goals themselves.

I will share with you some of the statistics I shared in that workshop. The following are examples of how when you are not enjoying yourself you are less likely to see results- and vice versa.

  • A longitudinal study of 500 female runners over a 2-year period found that those who enjoyed the activity were far more likely to continue (Titze, Stronegger & Owen 2005).
  • Participants did both an exercise of choice and no-choice. Not only did the no-choice experience produce negative effect, but a control group experience of simply watching TV produced more positive effect than the no-choice activity (Daley & Maynard 2003).
  • A study of 695 college students showed that emphasizing the personal value of an activity increased motivation, while a focus on “having to do” the activity decreased incentives (Simons, Dewitte & Lens 2003).

In the workshop I also discussed the language around healthy actions and behaviors. Co-workers at my gym say to me “I’m going to work out”. I hear colleagues and family say “I’ve got to go on a diet”. And we’ve all heard the old phrase: “No pain no gain”.

Even the language around healthy behaviors sounds like a lot of work! No wonder we have a hard time staying consistent with new routines.

Being a busy nurse, you already have little to no time for yourself. You are tired and drained when you get home from work. And then someone is telling you that you’ve got to “work out”. Of course you hedge away from it. Not only does it not sound like any fun… it sounds like another chore!

I am all about healthy lifestyles, behaviors, and choices. I totally advocate for living in a state of wellness. However, I also feel that if you are not enjoying the healthy action- if you are not having fun with it- I understand when you don’t keep it up.

Approach healthy choices as you would (or should) anything else. Do the things that you enjoy. Follow your energy, passions and desires. If you feel yourself avoiding it because you really don’t want to do it- then find something else to do! Figure out what healthy actions you enjoy and keep up with those.

Being healthy and living a life of total well-being will be much easier when you enjoy it. Not only that, but you are much more likely to see the results you are looking for when you are having fun!

What healthy behaviors do you find fun? Have you ever noticed that when you enjoy something you are much more likely to do it routinely? How can you bring fun into your wellness routines?


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