Why an art of nursing event?

by | Mar 19, 2014 | 0 comments

There’s been a lot of chatter about the ‘art of nursing’ program all over the web. I’ve share about it here on this blog and in my email newsletter. People are tweeting, posting and pinning information all over social media. I’ve even seen some YouTube and other videos being made!

So it’s no surprise that we’ve got an ‘event’ coming our way this Nurse’s Week.

But many of you hearing about this may be wondering: Why?

Well, there are actually two reasons that I’ve envisioned, created and carried out this program. The first was a bit more obvious to me, as I’ve listened to and observed some nursing challenges. The other presents itself less outright and is the reason ‘behind the reason’, so to speak.

Here’s a quick video on what I’m about to write about, in case you prefer to watch rather than read.

I am a ‘quiet observer’. I enjoy watching, listening and learning. I like to sit on the outskirts of a room and take it all in. I like to go to a park bench, coffee shop or busy intersection in a major city and just view the hustle and bustle. In a bigger group, I am usually quiet- maybe mistaken as shy. I’m just taking it all in. Listening and learning. Gathering data from the world around me.

As a nurse entrepreneur, I also do get to gather data in a more concrete way. I often survey my email newsletter list and social media following. I get to talk with nurses at the talks I give and in the group programs I put on.

All of this listening and learning led me to this conclusion: the science of nursing is thriving.

So much so, that we’ve even got a new phrase out there: ‘click and pick nursing’.

We’re so busy documenting, charting, computerizing (is that even a word); we’ve lost a bit of that human connection. This is what the Art of Nursing program is all about; bringing back that healing environment that Florence Nightingale envisioned for us hundreds of years ago.

And the reason behind the reason?

To celebrate nursing, of course!

Nurse’s Week can come in all shapes and sizes. It may be totally passed over, nothing being done for the nurses who work their hearts out all year long. It may include a trinket with the company logo, a meal on the hospital dime or an award ceremony highlighting the year’s accomplishments.

But what do we really want?

A simple ‘thank you’. A smile. A word of recognition, respect, admiration. Love.

We pour our blood, sweat and literally tears into our patient care. We do it 24 hours a day, seven days a week, weekends, holidays. There’s no stopping the nurses work clock.

We just want to be appreciated. We just want to celebrate. We just want to feel good.

That’s the reason behind the reason to the Art of Nursing event. I believe in what you do. I value your service. I thank you for your effort, time and energy. I want to celebrate you. And so do my colleagues!

Twelve nurse speakers believe in you. Four evening co-hosts thank you for your work. Three Connective Amplifiers value your efforts. We as a collective group are celebrating you, celebrating nursing, celebrating Nurse’s Week.

I hope you’ll join us. You can sign up today. Registration is open and it can be found here.

Questions? Comments? If you think this program is for you and you have a question to ask, please contact me to hear more. I can be reached at (410) 929-0081 and support (at) elizabethscala (dot) com. Invite a friend! Use the social media share buttons below to pay it forward and pass the post along. Thank you!


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