3 Steps to Getting the Nursing Career You Want

by | May 4, 2015 | 0 comments

Let me ask you some nursing career related questions. See if any of the below reflective items resonate with you.

  • Are you constantly feeling like your to-do list just keeps getting longer and longer? Like there’s never any time to get things done and you keep falling behind?
  • Or maybe you’re seen as the ‘yes man’ of the group. You know the people who will always say ‘yes’ to helping everyone else out even if their own house is a mess, the laundry’s piling up, the dinner needs to be cooked, and on and on?
  • What about this? You have a goal you really want to reach, something that’s important to you (like maybe starting a business or making a nursing career change), but then somehow some way each time something else comes up, someone needs your help or assistance, so that you never really reach 100% of success?

How about it? Does any of the above sound familiar?

3 Steps to Your Ideal Nursing Career #nursingfromwithinIf so- fear not. There is hope for the busy nursing professional who is looking to make some serious career shifts.

The first thing we need to do is be mindful and aware of the reasons why we might not be getting the nursing career/business that we want. Take a minute to list out anything that comes to mind in terms of why you might be unclear with respect to your career and/or business goals. (Really, do this now.)

OK- now that you’re back and have listed out a couple of reasons that you may not find yourself in your ideal nursing career… let me ask you some deeper, more challenging questions.

  • Have you ever found yourself saying one thing and then doing (or not doing) another?
  • Do you tend to rush past the contemplation stage and force yourself into implementation too quickly, just to get things done?
  • What subconscious messages, programs and/or routines may be sabotaging your success?

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  1. The ‘Don’t Want’ List: 3 Steps to the Nursing Career of Your Dreams #nursingfromwithinList out everything that you don’t want to have happen in your nursing career. Who don’t you want to work with? What don’t you want to do? In your business, what is it you don’t want to be, do or have happen? When you think about yourself at work (wherever that may be) or in your future role, what is it that you don’t want to be doing?
  2. The ‘Do Want’ List: Now take that ‘don’t want’ list and create your ‘do want’ list. Using this statement, turn everything around with total clarity so that you can start to envision and attract the nursing career you desire.“If I don’t want X, then what I do want is Y.”Use that statement for each and every ‘don’t want’ that you listed above.
  3. Craft Your Ideal Vision: Taking your want list above, write down your vision of your ideal nursing career/business. Do this in the present tense, using affirmative language. You want to use as much emotion, feeling and sensual cues as you can as the emotion is what helps us attract what we desire. Again, be extremely clear with this vision statement. Expect it to come to you; believe it is already on its way.

If you found the steps above helpful, I would like to encourage you to continue with this forward moving momentum. Here are a few ways that you can take action to move yourself closer to the nursing career of your dreams today.

  • If you’d like to join us for any of my upcoming nursing career calls, here is the working calendar:

May 21 at 7:30 pm Eastern for Marketing & Sales: How to Turn the ‘Big Bad Wolves’ into Your BFFs (register here)

June 24 at 7:30 pm Eastern for Navigating the Social Scene: How to Be Visible Authentically & Professionally

July 23 at 7:30 pm Eastern for What’s My Niche Market? How to Find the Best People to Work With

August 19 at 7:30 pm Eastern for Keeping in Touch with Your Market: Active Steps for Staying Front of Mind

  • Stay Connected…

To stay in touch and ask questions in between calls, please join our Your Next Shift Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/YourNextShift/.

  • And finally, a very special invitation…

As a blog reader, you are invited to my live workshop this fall in Portsmouth, NH October 25-27. You can find out more about the event at this page: https://elizabethscala.com/landing/your-next-shift/.

I’d love to hear from you. What step above surprised you? Which ones have you tried before? What might have we left out that you’d add to this list? Thanks for reading and please leave a comment below.

About the Author: As a speaker, workshop facilitator, and Reiki Master, Elizabeth partners with hospitals, organizations, associations, and nursing groups to help transform the field of nursing from the inside out. As the  host of the Your Next Shift Workshop, Elizabeth guides nurses and nursing students to a change in perspective, helping them make the inner shift needed to better maneuver the sometimes challenging realities of being a caregiver.


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