One Way to Get What You Want Out of Nursing

by | Jan 12, 2015 | 0 comments

The nursing profession is huge. It is a vast space, filled with amazing opportunity. Due to the sheer numbers of nurses working in the variety of nursing careers, it can feel both thrilling and overwhelming… all at the same time!

A Cute Short Story

Elizabeth Scala's dogMy pup Rusty is a hilarious dog. He comes in from his afternoon walk and no matter what time it is, starts his evening routine. He sits in front of us, placing his head on our laps. When that doesn’t work he moves to sitting in front of our line of vision. If that still receives no response, he goes and sits in his kennel.

What is poor Rusty trying to convey?

That it’s time to eat, gosh darn it!

Use Your Words

Unfortunately for Rusty, he was born with one flaw. He is completely unable to speak. Well, unless you count the playful growls when he has his rope toy or the ‘Woof! Woof!’ that bursts out if someone rings the bell.

When my sister was a preschool teacher, I can remember her saying ‘Use Your Words’. She did this in the classroom to teach her students to articulate what it was that they wanted from her.

To me, we can learn to do this as grown-ups as well.

Articulation Creates Clarity

Maybe we find ourselves feeling ‘stuck’ in a nursing career. It’s possible that we are out there on the job market, searching for a career alternative. Or finally, maybe we’ve had it with the nursing profession altogether.

Let me steer you clear from the ‘blame game’. There is a universal law called The Law of Cause and Effect. This law states that every action has a consequence. What that means for us as nurses, is that every single thing we think, feel, say and do has an outcome attached to it.

What we think about we bring about and in our case, with respect to our nursing careers, we truly are creating the environments which we find ourselves in. If we’re not fully satisfied with our nursing job, guess what? We created our current situations from our previous thoughts, words and actions.

This is why in today’s post we are taking the story of my pup Rusty and applying the lesson learned to our careers as nurses. Articulate what it is that you do want.

[Tweet “”What we resist, persists.” -Carl Jung”]

Shift Your Situation

One way to get what you want out of nursing, is to focus on what you do want. In your thoughts, feelings, words and actions- be sure to keep focused attention on what you want from your nursing career.

Write about it in your journal; create your vision board around it; meditate on your vision of your best nursing job. Do whatever it takes for you to move yourself closer to your nursing goals.

But you have to articulate it. You have to get it out of your head and onto paper or into the universe. Think and speak clearly about what it is that you do want and you will be able to bring that to you.

I’d love to hear from you. Comments? Reactions? Thoughts? Who’s brave enough to use this space as a means to articulating what it is they do want out of nursing? Leave your words below. Thank you for reading and enjoy the day.



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