What’s Holding You Back? The Secret to Thriving as a Nurse

by | May 26, 2015 | 5 comments

Nursing  Career Confusion! What's Holding You Back? #nursingfromwithin #yournextshiftThink about your nursing career goals. In terms of where you see yourself as a nurse professional six months from now, one year from now, three years from now… even five years down the road. What would you be doing if you were practicing nursing in your ideal job?

I often think about my nursing career in terms of exactly how I want to be practicing. I even wrote my own job description one time! Back when I had a vision of being a Reiki Nurse at a hospital, I typed up exactly what the job would look like and how I would be evaluated on my work.

So I ask you now: what is your ‘dream job’? If money, time, resources, and support was not a barrier… if you could do exactly as you wanted… if you could create your perfect nursing job- what would that look like?

Why am I asking you this? Well, today I was listening to one of my self-help tapes as I was driving down the road. It was actually a track I had listened to several times before. However (as it always happens) this time I heard something new and different. This is what I share with you today…

The spiritual guide was talking about taking massive action as we move towards our goals. It really doesn’t matter what the target is- there is always two step to progress. They are ask and take action.

Now what I heard next was very interesting to me. She started to shift the topic onto the things that could potentially be holding us back. One of them that was mentioned was the notion of doubt. What came out of her mouth next was very, very important. Probably one of the most important things I have ever heard in terms of setting and reaching career goals.

With respect to doubt, she asked us: who is placing the doubt upon you? Is it something you created yourself or does it come from another point of view (i.e. an outside source)? Now, before you jump into a response- think about it for a moment. Think about this in terms of your nursing career goals…

Let’s revisit the questions I was asking you above about your ideal nursing practice. If you haven’t fully actualized the ‘dream job’ yet, what’s getting in your way? Is there any sort of doubt holding you back from reaching your goals?

Nursing Career Confusion: How to Thrive as a Nurse Professional #nursingfromwithin #yournextshiftNow back to my spiritual teacher and self-help tape… what was shared with me that I am sharing with you is extremely important. So listen up. Doubt typically does not come from within. When we take a moment to pause and listen (really listen) to the inner truth… we find that more often than not we did (do) actually believe in ourselves. It is what we have picked up along the way that holds us back.

Maybe it was doubting parents who were worried about our safety (which is lovely as they often have our best interests at heart). Maybe it was a doubting co-worker who told you that ‘nursing will never change’. Maybe it was a supervisor, manager, or some sort of leadership person who doubted themselves and then unintentionally (and unfortunately) imposed that doubt onto you.

I want you to realize this: you can be, do or have anything you want out of life. You can land that nursing career of your dreams. You can get that new job; land that promotion; create the career you envision. Whatever it is that you want- you can do it. All you gotta do is ask, act and allow yourself to receive.

Yes, maybe it sounds easier than it is to do- but having the awareness of where your doubt is coming from and letting it go is the first step to great success. Want to get that nursing career of your dreams? You can! Now all you have to do is clear the doubts (real or imaginary) that may be holding you back from taking massive action.

One way to do this is by finding a community of support. I encourage you to consider joining us this fall for the Your Next Shift workshop where you will receive, not only the support from like-minded colleagues, but also the personalized attention and coaching from me. Check out the Your Next Shift site and reserve your seat today.

About the Author: As a speaker, workshop facilitator, and Reiki Master, Elizabeth partners with hospitals, organizations, associations, and nursing groups to help transform the field of nursing from the inside out. As the host of the Your Next Shift Workshop, Elizabeth guides nurses and nursing students to a change in perspective, helping them make the inner shift needed to better maneuver the sometimes challenging realities of being a caregiver.


  1. Angela Howard RN-BSN

    Very informational and food for thought. Thank you Elizabeth. As I am striving to move forward in my career and complete school and find a job, you most definitely have put my mind in the right perspective. I do believe that “all dreams can become a reality!”.

    • Elizabeth

      Hi Angela,
      Thanks for coming by and taking the time to share your comment. It is great to hear that you share the perspective that thoughts create our reality. Sounds like you have a lot going on and I wish you the best success with everything. Enjoy the day, -Elizabeth

  2. Donna Maheady

    Hi Elizabeth,

    So much for us to think about at all stages of our careers! Enjoyed your thoughtful post.

    “When you doubt your power, you give power to your doubt.” ~Honore de Balzac

  3. kate loving Shenk

    The secret to thriving as a nurse is to expand beyond the roles, definitions and boundaries of medicine. Be yourself AND Love Yourself. First.

    • Elizabeth

      YES! Kate, I could not agree with you more about loving yourself and being you. Great share, thank you! -Elizabeth


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